The graphics on the side of the cabinet are good.

The cabinet is in pretty good condition with some wear and chips to the bottom edge. I do have a second gun with this mechanism, but it has not been tested. The gun has all the parts except for the vibration mechanism.

I'm not sure if it is the speakers, the volume pot or the sound board. For sale is an original Taito Operation Wolf arcade game. get ready for alot of dying and alot of trial and error.Item: 323531108833 Operation Wolf Arcade Game. So the advantage with using the controller is that you can just move the aiming circle to the place you knew an enemy was, giving you the advantage. but the enemies always spawned or appeared in exactly the same places everytime. Its basically a rail shooter.a pretty difficult one at that. This game was advertised as a light gun shooter, but the fact is, is that you can play it with the controller and have more success. The ending was BEAT - You fly away in an ugly US plane and some random old guy (who I'm guessing is your General) says, "You're a real pro". However, there is no replay value unless you have something against Cubans and just want to keep shooting them. because so much is happening on y our screen, and the graphics are so ugly you can't make out a house from a soldier. Ya know what? This part of the review is over. The gun clips and grenades look HUGE and ridiculous. Moving on, the graphics are ugly and xtremley stereotypical. And strangley when you shoot the animals they give you clips of ammo. This includes children, baywatch babes, tomboys, pigs, chickens, nurses, and buzzards. Oddly enough, as your fighting for your life in these wartorn, Cuban territory random things run accross the screen. You direct a crosshair and fire wildly at cuban soldiers, tanks, and helicopters.

Its a first person-side scrolling shooter.